Held on 4th – 7th December 2024 at AICC in Arusha.
Click below to read more…
In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly declared 11th February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Therefore, on 11th February 2025, we will join the world to celebrate its 10th anniversary. It is a day of observance to promote the full and equal access and participation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.
As part of our efforts to encourage students to take interest and pursue Science subjects, we
collaborate with other authorities and institutions to promote STEM.
In this year’s celebration, we will participate at the National event, organized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, which will be held at Jakaya Kikwete Conference Hall in Dodoma. Engineers from the Women Chapter and the Dodoma Branch will represent the Institution of Engineers Tanzania. We have also arranged the following as part of celebrating the day and promoting STEM; – – –
Young (Female) Engineers will conduct talks and tuition on science subjects at several schools on the day.
Female Engineers will feature on Radio and Television stations in the morning of the day
to talk about this year’s theme which is “Unpacking STEM Careers: Her Voice in Science”
A webinar has been arranged for the 10th February 2025, whereby Eng. Juliana Marco will host Senior Eng. Elisifa Kinasha and Ms. Ginsela A. Lyary and moderate a panel discussion on Women’s Leadership in Stem as a New Era For Sustainability.
I encourage all Engineers and the public in general to tune in and to participate in these activities but above all to encourage and support girls and women to pursue science and engineering.
We salute the women role models in Engineering; we congratulate all girls and women doing
science subjects, pursuing engineering studies and career.
Dates will be put
The IET President
President of the Institution of Engineers Tanzania, Eng Dr Gemma Modu, Past Presidents of our Institution, Outgoing and incoming Vice Presidents of the Institution, Outgoing and incoming Council members, Fellow Engineers
Ladies and gentlemen.
We have now come to an end of our AGM, which also marks an end of the 23rd Council of IET, hence the beginning of the 24th Council, which you have just elected. I have been part of the 23 Council under the esteemed leadership our first female President Eng. Dr. Gemma Modu, with whom I served as Vice President. I therefore would like to thank you President, fellow vice presidents and all members of the previous council, for their time, resources and effort in serving our Institution. It has been an honour and privilege to have worked together and I want to commend you all. Furthermore, I want to thank you for the trust in me, our Vice Presidents and the entire council, to form the leadership team in the 24 Phase of the Institution.
Our institution faces various challenges which are complex and tough, but tough as they can be, still, they are not insurmountable. It requires dedication, seriousness and working together as a TEAM to move IET from where it is today to the next level. On behalf of the Council, I pledge that we will do our best to serve our institution at our turn. Institutions’ leadership is like a relay race, (Mbio za kupokeza kijiti), we run by giving the best in us, for our IET; and when our leg is done, we pass on to others, just as we have received from others. I therefore call upon all council members, leaders of Chapters, Divisions and Branches, that let us work together to strengthen the Institution and the profession so that we can overcome the challenges and continue to be relevant to our Nation.
During the 23rd Council, we spent much of our time reviewing challenges which the Institution is facing. We further identified strategic issues for which we developed a Strategic plan for 2024 to 2028. I am pleased to comment that, it is a masterpiece which should be our key agenda during our tenure, therefore, we will make sure that is implemented. If we can achieve even a half of the action plan which has been developed, IET would be a very different organisation. The strategic plan is what I would regard as our Manifesto, against which, the 24th Council of IET, we will be judged against, at the end of our tenure.
Our constitution was last revised in 2012 as the fifth revision. Since then, relevance and approach to some aspects necessitates a re-look in appropriateness to our times. As an example:
Section 15 of our constitution – (which guides on the amendments) will be complied with and observed. We will ensure that the process is consultative, therefore please offer your time and thoughts when we come to you.
In closing, I would like to thank you again Madame President Gemma Modu, the Committee of Past Presidents, fellow Council members and all members of the Institution of Engineers Tanzania for the trust in me, and in us at large. As we embark on this journey, I am deeply humbled and inspired by the trust you have placed in us. While yours is the trust in us, ours is an appeal to you. We appeal for your support and cooperation. You can help in shaping IET in many ways: –
– Please pay your membership dues and pay in time,
– When you are invited, or nominated to serve in IET activities, please participate,
– Those with businesses, kindly plan you financial and budget your CSR towards serving and support the profession.
– Furthermore, if each current member in one year, could encourage, advice and mentor just one Engineer to join, then come the end of year, we would be double of the current strength.
– And there are many more other ways, choose a couple and do something for the Institution.
Together, we will be able to forge new paths, elevate the standards of our profession, and strengthen the impact of engineering in shaping our nation’s future. Let us remain united, innovative, and committed to excellence, as we embrace the challenges ahead with determination and purpose. I look forward to serving alongside the council and to build a legacy that will inspire generations to come.
Having said all that, it is now with honour, humility and dignity that, I formally accept the role and to serve, as the 24th President of the Institution of Engineers Tanzania.
Thank you.
“Another year is over; a new one has just begun and what have you done?”
The above statement from Celine Dion song, is a reminder for taking stock of the ending year and resetting for the new one. In the same realm it is appropriate for our Institution to reflect on the ending year and envisage the new year with vigour and determination.
With your support, this year, IET has managed to re-launch two Divisions including Civil Engineering Division in partnership with Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST)
and Electrical and Electronics Division in partnership with the St. Joseph University (Dar es Salaam). More divisions are expected to be launched in the coming year. The main aim is to
strengthen disciplines so that in the future we can have in-depth discussions through the Divisions. We established the Emerging Issues Committee (EIC) and launched Quarterly Breakfast Events. The Busara za Wahenga was another great accomplishment in the year which will continue during the years to come. Our signature Activities, the World Engineers Day, Youth Expo, STEM, TAWECE and the International Conference were conducted with great success. In the first week of December, we had a successful election of the IET Council where members elected the New Council to serve for the next two years (2024/2025-2025/2026). Next year, IET Chapters will finalize their elections. Members will be informed of the elected leaders
accordingly. I can go on and on but suffice to say we have done something of which I
compliment the 23rd President Eng. Dr. Gemma Modu, the Council for the job well done and you all for the support.
In 2025, IET will celebrate 50 years of achievements, the Diamond Jubilee, watch the space and be part of the evaluation, re-calibration and celebrations. While we have the panel of experts, the composition by disciplines and members is still very much calling. I therefore remind all experienced members to kindly join our IET Panel of Experts. It is one of the ways in giving back to the Profession through your vast experience, but also tapping on various opportunities. Our Database shows that we have a huge number of members who have remained with their class of membership for years despite qualifying for upgrade to Senior or Fellow. I call upon members to upgrade to a relevant membership class. Our plans for the 2025 is to remain focused on increasing membership base and welfare. We believe, the number determines the strength of any association. With the new strategic plan, which is ready for implementation, the Institution will take strides. Fee Note for the year 2025 is out. I have received mine and have paid. Kindly support the Institution by paying the dues in a timely manner.
With this message, I wish you a Happy and Prosperous New year 2025; May God bless you all.
The Institution of Engineers Tanzania aims to be a leading organization in the country and beyond that will spearhead the development and integration of engineering, science, technology, public policy and management of resources for the sustainable betterment of mankind and the environment.
The Mission of the Institution shall be “Promotion of Engineering Excellence in Tanzania”.
The objectives and purposes for which the Institution of Engineers Tanzania (hereinafter called “the Institution”) is hereby constituted are to promote the general advancement of the science and practice of engineering and its applications, and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas on those subjects amongst the members of the Institution and otherwise and for that purpose.
Giving words of wisdom to young Engineers.
Giving words of wisdom to young Engineers.
Giving words of wisdom to young Engineers.
Grasping wisdom from senior engineers
Grasping wisdom from senior engineers.
Grasping wisdom from senior engineers
IET leadership comprises of the Executive Committee (office bearers) and the governing council who are responsible for planning and supervising the activities of the institution.
IET President
Vice President / Membership
Vice President / Activities
Vice President
Honorary Treasurer
Executive Director
IET provides various services to members and the community or public at large including the following.
IET is an association formed by engineers for engineers and their profession for advancement of the profession and engineering businesses and services.
In capacity building…
IET offers..
Iet services..
Include all women engineers.
Military engineers
Students studying engineering field..
All technicians are in this category.
Includes engineers outside Tanzania.
Includes uncategorized chapters.