Engineering is a creative process of synthesizing and implementing the knowledge and experience of humanity to enhance the welfare, health and safety of all members of the community, with due regard to the environment and the sustainability of the resources employed. It involves a diversity of related functions ranging from the development and application of engineering science through to the management of engineering works. The members of the Institution of Engineers Tanzania are bound by a common commitment to promote engineering and to facilitate its practice for the common good based upon the following framework for responsible professional practice:
- Ethical behaviour
- Competent performance
- Innovative practice
- Engineering excellence
- Equality of opportunities
- Social justice
- Unity of purpose
- Sustainable development
- Accountability
- Trustfulness, honesty and trustworthiness
- Respect for human life and welfare
- Fairness
- Openness
- Protection of the environment The community places its trust in the judgement and integrity of practising engineers to pursue the above values and to conduct their activities in a manner that places the best interests of the community above personal interests.
Based on the foregoing, members of the Institution of Engineers Tanzania have to observe the following Code of Conduct and Ethics for Engineering Practice in order to merit community trust:
- An engineer shall at all times, take all reasonable care to ensure that his work and the products of his work constitute no avoidable danger of death or injury or ill- health to any person.
- An engineer shall hold paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public and the protection of the environment and promote health and safety within the workplace.
- An engineer shall offer services, advice, and consultancy or undertake assignments only in areas of their competence and practice and shall do so carefully and in a diligent manner.
- An engineer shall prevent his/her personal or political involvement from influencing or compromising his/her professional role or responsibility.
- An engineer shall take all reasonable steps to avoid waste of natural resources, damage of the environment, and wasteful damage or destruction of the products of human skill and industry.
- An engineer shall act so as to uphold and ensure the honour, dignity, integrity, standing and reputation of the engineering profession.
- An engineer shall apply his/her skill and knowledge in the interest of his/her employer or client for whom he/she shall act as a faithful agent or adviser, maintain confidentiality and disclose conflict of interests. They will conduct with fairness and good faith towards clients, colleagues and others, give credit where it is due, and accept as well as give honest and fair professional criticism.
- An engineer should be aware of and take all reasonable steps to inform his/her clients and employers of societal and environmental consequences of actions or projects in which they are involved and endeavour to interpret issues to the public in an objective and truthful manner.
- An engineer called upon to give an opinion in his professional capacity shall, on the basis of adequate knowledge, give an opinion which is objective and reliable.
- An engineer shall neither offer nor accept cover payments or other considerations for the purpose of securing assignments.
- An engineer shall accept personal responsibility for all work done by him or under his supervision or direction, and shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that persons working under his authority are competent to carry out the tasks assigned to them.
- An engineer shall take all reasonable steps to maintain and develop his professional competence by paying attention to new developments in science, technology and engineering relevant to his field of professional activity and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of his subordinates.
- An engineer whose professional advice is not accepted shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that persons overruling or neglecting the advice are aware of the dangers the engineer believes may result from such overruling or neglect.
- An engineer shall not in self-laudatory language or in any manner derogatory to the dignity of the engineering profession, advertise or write articles for publication.
- An engineer shall not recklessly or maliciously injure or attempt to injure, whether directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospects or business of another engineer.
- An engineer shall not improperly disclose any information concerning the business of his employer or of any past employer(s).
- A practising engineer shall not improperly solicit work as an independent adviser – or consultant, either directly or by an agent, nor shall he improperly pay any person, by commission or otherwise, for the introduction of such work.
- An engineer shall not accept remuneration in connection with professional services rendered to his employer other than from his employer or with his consent.
- An engineer shall not use academic titles other than those obtained legally and also offered by nationally accredited institutions.
- A practising engineer shall not assist, induce or be involved in the breach of this Code but shall support those who seek to uphold it. They shall report to the Institution of Engineers Tanzania or other relevant bodies like the Engineers Registration Board any unethical engineering decisions or practices by engineers or others.
Any alleged breach of the Code properly vouched and supported by sufficient evidence shall be dealt with by an impartial Tribunal to be constituted by the Executive Committee. Such tribunal shall have not less than three members including the Chairman and not more than five members.
If the allegations shall be justified, the Tribunal shall make appropriate recommendations to the Council for consideration and appropriate action.
Disciplinary Action
Depending on the gravity, all proved breaches shall attract one of the following action/penalties.
- Written warning in the case of minor breaches (Loss of 15 PDUs). A total of three or more minor breaches shall be treated as a serious misconduct.
- All serious allegations of misconduct, proved beyond reasonable doubt, shall warrant one of the following measures:
- Demotion to lower Class of Membership
- Suspension of IET membership for a period to be set by the Council.
- Expulsion from IET membership
Disciplinary Procedures
- Before the Tribunal is called to deal with any complaint on alleged misconduct, the practising engineer shall be informed of the allegation or complaint.
- Before being found guilty, the engineer shall be given a full and fair opportunity to be head.
- All proceedings conducted and the decision reached shall be in accordance with natural justice.
- Upon being found guilty, the Tribunal shall decide on the appropriate action to be taken against the offender. All decisions shall be by a majority of at least 2/3 of the members of the Tribunal present and voting on the consideration of the case. In case of a tie the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
- Where the offence does not warrant to subject the offender before a court of law, and that the Tribunal decides on expulsion from IET membership, withdrawal of membership certificate or demotion, the engineer may, not late than 28 days after the date when notification of the decision of the Tribunal is posted to him, submit an appeal in writing to the Secretary of the Tribunal.
- Upon receipt of an appeal it shall be referred to an Appeal Committee to be constituted by the Committee of Past Presidents. Such Appeal Committee shall have not less than three members including the Chairman and not more than five members. All decisions shall be by a majority of at least 2/3 of the members of the Tribunal present and voting on the consideration of the case. In case of a tie the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
The Appeal Committee shall regulate its own procedure and its decision shall be final.